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​An association is a community and a business, making it a unique type of organization. For small associations where cost is a significant factor, self-management through a strong volunteer structure can work well. Many associations, however, choose to contract with a professional management company, while others hire on-site managers who become association employees. Some combine elements of different types of management.

If you are seeking to hire a manager, insurance and risk management consultant, reserve provider or attorney for your association, visit our Directory of Credentialed Professionals.

In addition, the Community Association Managers International Certification Board (CAMICB) awards the Certified Manager of Community Associations® (CMCA®) certification.

Finding the Right Professional for Your Community

Are you putting your most valuable assets in the hands of the most qualified professionals? Read why you should hire credentialed professionals, what the credentials mean and how you can find qualified professionals in your area. View additional resources to aid you in finding qualified professionals.

Many CAI chapters offer member directories and hold local events where you can find and meet qualified professionals in your area. 

​Useful Links

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CAI credentials and accreditation programs are trademarks of CAI. Misuse of CAI trademarks, designations or other copyrighted materials without proper authorization is a violation of CAI policy and federal law.

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